20+ Years Of Experience
in Debt Settlements
Experienced assistance and negotiation for making you debt-free
Contact Us Today if you received:
Collection Notice
Served with a Lawsuit

Credit Card Debt

Medical Debt

Student Loans Debt

Deficiency Debt
(Vehicles, Boats)

Real State Debt

Payday Loan Debt

Business to Business Debt
(Commercial Debt)
How It works
Many people that are in debt find it very difficult to communicate with creditors, collection agencies and law firms. The fear of not knowing what to do or what could happen can be very stressful. Our specialists will be available to guide you every step of the way.
Our services include:
A private assessment. This is an approximately 20 minutes interview to better understand your situation. This can be done in person or by phone.
Contacting Creditors, Collections Agencies and Law Firms on your behalf. Let Circle do the talking for you.
Work on a resolution. We strive to find the best resolution possible for you and your budget. We will negotiate a settlement for less than what is owed or work on a payment plan.
Documentation and communication. We will make sure that all documents between creditors, collection agencies and law firms are done timely and that you receive copies for your records
Who are we?
Circle Debt Solution is an organization that helps individuals resolve outstanding debts. We understand the stress that debt can bring. Many people feel depressed, and scared of what could happen if they do not repay their debts.
Our team of specialists are prepared to assist you in resolving your debts and have over 20 years of experience in the Debt Collection industry. Our team knows exactly what your options are and will help you negotiate with creditors, collection agencies, and law firms. Our process is proven to work and it will save you time and money. We will work on a resolution that works for you. Our goal is to help you become Debt Free.

Why us?
We use a successful and proven process that resolves all of your outstanding debts no matter what stage the debt may be in and no matter how much you owe.
If you are receiving collection notices, have been served with a law suit, have a judgment that has been entered against you, or a garnishment has been filed against you, then you need to contact us. Let us help you become Debt Free.
Benefits when using our services:
Free Consultation
No monthly fees
Not a Debt Consolidation Company
Avoid collection calls
Avoid having to go to court
Avoid judgments
Avoid Wage or Bank Garnishments
We know that being in Debt can be both stressful and confusing. Send us a message today, and we can help you get started on a path to become Debt Free.